Saturday, November 14, 2009

my first post

So finally after a long wait my first since this is my first post ill not go for something thats to heavy for our rotten minds. All of us may seem to be the sweetest , the nicest people around.But their exists some dark secret deep inside us.Something that we have never shared with any one at any point of time in our lives.Such secrets create such a high feeling of insecurity that even the thought of them being disclosed sends in a deep sense of regret...

The point i want to come onto is that the day we are free from the regret the insecurity.The day we are comfortable telling the whole world whatever happened in our lives.It will be the day well achieve greater conscience greater level of maturity to handle life...
And for that spirituality is the only path and no doubt my next few blogs will talk about the same...

Till then jus read it once while facebooking like i did the writing part n lets try to change a bit......

god bless


  1. hm.true..secrets create insecurity in our minds>!!!!but arnt there disclosure....create chaos .!???

  2. very true :) Just correct the spelling mistakes ;) -

  3. ya sorry for the spellling mistakes......

  4. nice..
    but, i don't think we should share our deep dark secrets,such secrets are very personal and one should keep them to himself.

  5. yes exactly... but the point iam trying to make it is...
    the power the fearlessness comes with spirituality

  6. if v keep d secrets insyd us nly, dn dey find a v strong reason to flourish insyd us..........lyk if v compress d shameful secrets insyd us...dn d bad felings of guilt remorse.anger etc..dwell insyd us!!!!
    don shy.go vent dm out!n instant relief ull feel!!mindblowing!!!!i did!!!!!!!!
